me but suffice it to say he would be one reason to return. Very helpful and engaging which is really half the experience don't you know? Maybe the smaller crowd helped out there.

Keeping it blue crabs to Barqs root beer simple in the best place on God's Green Earth, The Gulf Coast!
"We try hard to represent a wide geographical spread, but the fact is that there are "food towns" around the country — Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Portland (both Oregon and Maine), San Francisco, and a few others, including (grumble away) New York City — where many of the best restaurants seem to be congregated, at least sometimes because talented chefs and restaurateurs from other regions gravitate to there. There are some 71 urban areas in the U.S. with populations of 500,000 and above, and while they’re all full of restaurants, does each of these have one or two places that can really be compared with the best America has to offer? Maybe. But probably not."174 people were on the choosing panel for this list and Bern's was the lone Tampa entry at #60 on the